UK pet friendly properties


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17.01.2024 06:11 pm
Tips On Relocating Dogs or Cats from the US to the UK

Moving with your pets from the US to the UK can be stressful. All the ‘red tape’ just for your pet(s) to travel to the UK before you think about yourself. Even transporting your pets to the UK can be ‘eye wateringly’ expensive. Your dog(s) or cat(s) is or are part of the family. You wouldn’t leave without them Read more for some more useful travelling with pets tips.

09.01.2024 05:33 pm
Top Tips Relocating From The US To The UK With Pets

Relocating from the US to the UK with a pet can be stressful. So much to consider and that is just for your dog(s) and cat(s). Does your dog fly cargo from the US to the UK or by private jet and how do the costs compare. Renting a property with a dog or cat in the UK can be complicated.

Really difficult to know what to do from overseas. So many questions for pet owners relocating from the US to the UK. This article is about offering pet friendly relocation tips for Americans moving to the UK with their beloved pets.

30.10.2023 01:46 pm
Prep with Pets: Ensuring a Smooth Transition When Relocating to the UK with Your Furry Friends

Navigating through property portals like Rightmove and Open Rent in search of a pet-friendly rental in the UK can be a daunting task. Finding a compassionate landlord or estate agent who welcomes your beloved pet seems nearly impossible at times.

Even when a suitable property catches your eye, it often slips away before you get a chance to make your move. Why does this happen? The key to unlocking your dream pet-friendly home lies in thorough preparation and having all necessary paperwork at your fingertips.

18.10.2023 08:22 am
Relocating from the US to London with your pet

At Pets Lets we work a lot with US clients relocating to London with their pets. We specialise in London pet friendly properties. We act as a broker and advise on the whole property process.

Having been a London estate agent, search agent before setting up Pets Lets, for over 25 years, I know London property. I understand how estate agents and London landlords think. Through experience, I will advise on a strategy to get a landlord to say yes to your pets.

I had a US couple bidding on a flat in Marylebone with their dog. The landlord’s response was: “There were 3 other good offers on the table but the dog CV sold it.” Click here to book a call with me or email me on

06.10.2023 09:37 am
The benefits of using a relocation agent

According to the latest report from Rightmove, the average queue of tenants looking for a rental property in Britain, has increased from 20 to 25 people per property over the last 5 months.

The report also says there has been a price rise of 10% from July to September compared to the same period last year.

At Pets Lets we specialise in pet friendly rentals. When it comes to tenants with dogs or cats, they are not a ‘top priority’ for landlords and some estate agents.

That is why using a UK relocation agent otherwise known as a UK relocation broker with many of our US clients, helps you ‘jump’ that queue. Click here to book a call with me

11.08.2023 02:47 pm
5 reasons for using a UK relocation agent

With a competitive UK rental market, using a relocation agent is less of a luxury and more of a necessity. They act as a broker. They offer local knowledge as well as property expertise. They represent their clients and will honestly advise on the pros and cons of a property. People forget that an estate agent represents the landlord and some can be more about getting the ‘deal’ done.

At Pets Lets, we specialise in clients relocating with their pets to the UK. When there is more than one pet or a large dog, you would be surprised how many landlords suddenly say no to renting with pets. Click here to read more.

10.03.2023 03:35 pm
South West London. A Pet friendly Oasis

Relocating to London from the US or anywhere in the world with a pet is a stressful process. At Pets Lets, we specialise in UK pets & property. We work with trusted third parties. Check out Phonenix Luxury Stays . South West London’s leading pet friendly short term rental provider. For stays over a month, no pets charge when you quote Pets Lets.

14.06.2022 01:35 pm
The Benefits of a Relocation Agent

Whether you are relocating to the UK with or without a pet, renting a UK property can be complicated.

We are not just talking about the ‘red tape’ of visas and pet travel companies with the extra requirements of vaccinations. There is the other dilemma of I don’t want my pet to be put in hold, shall I fly to Paris instead of London? Something a lot of people ask about and like everything with relocating takes meticulous planning. There are companies that will pick you up with your pets from Paris and drive you through the Euro Tunnel, have a look at Pet Moves to find out more. A chauffeur service for you and your pet(s).

06.05.2022 11:40 am
Dog Friendly London

London is generally a dog friendly city to live in. We have The Royal Parks, including Hyde Park, Regents Park & Primrose Hill, Greenwich Park, Bushy Park and Richmond Park. Few other major cities in the world have such open as well as central ‘green spaces’ for dogs to roam.

The Dogvine and The Londog are great websites to give dog owners an insight into the London dog world. Where you can go, meet other fellow dog owners, have a meal or shop with your dog as well as events going on in and out of the capital. Knowing where dogs are allowed in London is important. A tip is to look out for a dog bowl outside a shop.

17.05.2021 10:05 am
2021 Guide To UK Pet Relocation

Pets are part of the family. You would not leave them behind. Whether you are moving within or to the UK with your dog or cat from abroad, they come with you. Pet relocation is a complicated process anyway without changing rules and regulations plus throw in covid flight restrictions and Brexit.

Naturally after 1 January 2021 with Brexit, everything has changed and there has been a lot of uncertainty. To be safe it is always good to start off by following official UK Government pet relocation guidelines.Also have a look at the UK Government Website for official advice which outlines assistance and guide dogs are an exception.

06.05.2021 01:21 pm
Advice of A Relocation Agent

When I was a search agent in London for over 20 years, it was all about location, location, location. Even when looking at new build flats, will the unit have a decent view. Location within a building was just as important. Make sure your buy to let stands out from the rest. River views or a unit that not face directly on to another building.

Buying a buy to let is a big investment and for many landlords it is their pension. Important to get it right. Therefore, there is a reluctance by landlords to allow any tenants that might damage the property. Students, tenants with pets fall into those categories of high risk.

The important point is how do you get over that mindset about pets and damage. At Pets Lets, we set up a Pets & Property Tips Facebook Group to help tenants with pets and advise landlords on the merits of allowing cats and dogs. Landlords and pet owners have more in common than they think.

The Irresponsible Minority of Pet owners & Landlords, tarnish their reputations.

30.01.2021 12:36 pm
Landlords and Tenants with Pets

As the Founder of Pets Lets, a Pet Friendly Property Portal, a landlord and pet owner, as well as a property search agent for over 20 years, I have a lot of experience dealing with landlords and agents.

Just like pet owners, landlords are also passionate about this topic. Landlords do not like being told what to do. That is the nature of the sector. There are solutions and it is about how you approach it. I will post a list of tips on communicating with and understanding landlords to help.

19.01.2021 05:08 pm
Pets Property and Relocation

The UK is a pet loving nation. Around 50% of the UK population owns a pet, whether it be a dog, cat, guinea pig, snake, rabbit or bird. Of course, you want to have your pet live under the same roof. They are part of the family. So why in the UK, does the combination of pets & property not work properly.

At the moment, the landlord can say no to a tenant who is residing in the property and wishes to have a dog or cat. The landlord has final say and a pet’s clause must be inserted into the tenancy agreement.

The suggested model, requires landlords to give a good reason why, say a dog, should not be allowed. A landlord or letting agent would ‘have to prove’ a pet would cause damage to a property.

With rising housing costs and unaffordability of getting on the housing ladder a growing issue, people are renting for longer. A growing proportion of people rent with pets who bring them joy, happiness and improve mental health during difficult times

05.01.2021 02:12 pm
Travelling & Renting in the UK with Pets

Travelling & Renting with your Pet(s) to and from the UK within the EU

As we now know the old UK-issued EU pet passport will be invalid for travel into the EU from 1st January.

This is being replaced with the Animal Health Certificate (AHC) which needs to be issued within 10 days before each entry into the EU and lasts for 4 months whilst you are there. If you take several trips with your pets you will need a new AHC each time. Also you are not allowed into the UK with more than 5 pets unless they are for a show, competition or sporting event.

Based on the assumption that the pet has the necessary valid rabies inoculations, be wary of the fact that the cost of the Animal Health Certificate (AHC) can vary considerably, with vet quotes varying from £70, £100, £120 to £184 and even over £230.

The Brexit transition, like anything new, brings with it a lot of uncertainty. There are stories of British people in the press who are resident in Spain and yet are being denied a return back to Spain despite agreement between the mutual governments. Here paperwork and ‘red tape’ has created a barrier. The same applies to traveling with pets. Make sure you look at the UK Government Website, as this is the best form of advice and is official.

17.11.2020 05:54 pm
London, Dogs, Cats and Landlords

At Pets Lets we are all about renting with your pets in London. If you don’t own your own property, renting with a dog or cat can be a problematic. Only 15% of London landlords say yes to pets. Unlike many other European countries, such as France, Germany, Belgium, where renting with a dog is seen as a ‘norm’, the UK is the complete opposite. Whether you are flying in from overseas, moving within London or moving into London, allow more time to find a dog friendly rental in London. You will be surprised how many agents and landlords say no pets.

09.11.2020 04:17 pm
Renting In London With A Dog

According to a Pets Mag Survey carried out in 2020, commissioned by Channel 5 in conjunction with the adaptation of ‘All Creature Great & Small’, 51% of those surveyed named the dog as their favourite with 38% preferring cats.

The UK is indeed a dog and cat loving nation. The love of dogs originated from Victorian times as they were seen as loyal, gave people status as well as an emotional attachment.

Now over 20m dogs and cats have a loving place in our homes. Circa 1 in 2 UK households have a pet. That is a staggering statistic; yet in London only 15% of Landlords are pet friendly. The Capital is filled with blocks which have antiquated no pets clauses. Renting with dogs in London in many areas, particularly in Zone 1, can be problematic.

26.10.2020 09:30 am
Relocating To London With Your Pet

Pets Lets Pets Transfer & Property Relocation Service. Pets are part of the family. It is like having another child. You cannot expect someone to leave behind a member of the family. Cats and dogs in general, exercise outside and then sleep most of the day. Most owners spend a lot of time training their dogs, making them far more responsible than adults without pets.

Unfortunately, the majority of London and UK landlords, particularly in the cities, do not see it that way. To them dogs make a mess, damage the furniture and annoy the neighbours. It they can have a tenant without a pet, then much easier. An outdated way of thinking and something we at Pets Lets and other pets professionals are trying to change.

09.06.2020 08:11 am
London Pet Friendly Rentals

How to find pet friendly rentals

03.06.2020 04:29 pm
Living with Pets in London

Dog and cat friendly London rentals

03.06.2020 04:21 pm
Happy Clients

A Really Happy Pets Lets Relocation client

03.06.2020 03:57 pm
Pet friendly London rentals

How to find pet friendly London rentals

20.05.2020 08:23 am
Relocating to the UK with Pets

Information About The UK Pet Arrival Process